Frederick Hamilton Spencer to Frederick Chesson, 6 July 1884, C147/213

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Spencer, Frederick Hamilton









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Bodleian Libraries

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MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 18 / C147-213


34 Wilkinson St
Clapham …

Dear Sir,

Your letter just to hand. Sorry to hear that Bp Hadfield is unwell for his aid would be most advantageous.

Let me know when Te Wheoro would care to meet me perhaps we could meet somewhere free from interruption, say here, at my house on Thursday morning at 10:30am.

I shall be glad to go down to Chiselhurst on Saturday; and could you kindly get invitation for Rev J S Hutchinson and his sister as well, as they would like to go and I want Miss Hutchinson to see as much of the Maoris as she can, as I have told you she is accompanying me to NZ.

I shall do all I can for the Maories and give all my services, i.e., within reasonable limits, so long as they do not interfere with my parochial duties too much … but being only a curate my purse is rather slender and if at any time I am wanted to go out with them, perhaps the bare travelling costs might be defrayed, as then I would not feel it pressing, for a shilling is a shilling to me at present and it is just as well to acknowledge it freely, though I hope before long to be in a better position but my travelling about has reduced my assets very sensibly.

Many thanks for the kindness last Saturday. Miss Hutchinson and I enjoyed it very much.

I beg to remain
Yours very faithfully
Fred H Spencer