Charles John Abraham to Frederick Chesson, 2 April 1880
Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C123 – 23
Author(s): Charles John Abraham
Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson
Sent from: England
Date: 2 April 1880
2 April 1880
The Close
My dear Sir,
I am sorry that I am not able to do more in the way of helping the Aborigines Prot. Society, but I was very seldom in London.
What I wish to say on the present occasion is that I desire to recognize in some way Bishop Colenso’s brave and unselfish support of the Zulus throughout the late unjust war. I am the more anxious to do this, because I have protected (& mean to protect again, if necessary) against his doctrinal statements. But this makes me still more anxious to do him justice when I consider it due to him, & to express my unfeigned thanks to him for risking his own popularity (if any) with his fellow countrymen, & boldly speaking out what he believes to be the truth about an unjust war, & an illused native people.
If you can in any way make this known to him, I should be much obliged to you.
Believe me
My dear Sir
Yours very truly
C.J. Abraham
Member of Committee
Of A.P.S.
F.W. Chesson, Esq