Andrew Anderson to Frederick Chesson, 18 March 1885
Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C124 – 61
Author(s): Andrew Anderson
Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson
Sent from: England
Date: 18 March 1885
18 March/85
Dear Sir,
I suppose you have seen the late Cape Argus dated 18 Feby – there is an article in it respecting the Boers preparing to invade Matabelaland, and to induce the chief Khama to join, we know what that means. The holding of his country and most likely Sechele’s, which will at once close the interior trade road. You should get the Argus, and warn the chiefs through the missionaries. If Khama should be induced to join the Boers he and his people are lost.
Will you see the London Mission Society respecting it. And could not some member ask a question in the House of Commons, as to the action the Boers are taking, and the danger of our trade route being closed.
Sir Charles Warren is going the right way to [work?] Mr Van [Neikuk?] has been working in the interests of the Transvaal and in connection with that old rascal Paul Kruger, to force a Republic in [Stellaland?] and when once established tack it on to the Transvaal. I was out there in the early part of last year and in 1842 and 3 and know the game he and all the Boer party are playing. And Mr Rhodes who is as ignorant of the Boer character and native affairs as any tom cat has through [Neikuk?], assumed that he knows how to settle the affairs of that country. There is not now a loyal Boer to be found in the Transvaal or that district. There were many before the rebellion in the Transvaal. Nicholas [Gay?] was one. I know him well, and a great scoundrel he is.
Shall be glad to hear from you if any thing can be done to stay this wholesale murder and robbing.
Yours very faithfully
Andrew A Anderson
F.W. Chesson Esq
‘The Cape Argus’
(weekly edition)