Appia to Frederick Chesson, 27 April 1883

Appia to Frederick Chesson, 27 April 1883

Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C124 – 90

Author(s): Appia

Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson

Sent from: France

Date: 27 April 1883

27/4 83



Dear Sir,


According to your wish, I have forwarded to Amsterdam what you asked for.


Mr Rey had a great regret to miss you. Coillard … in good spirits; the future of the tribe and his own expedition to the … seem to have now brighter perspectives. Bregne, the director of our mission, is there and is struck with the hold our … missionaries have taken of the Basuto nation.


I hope our Committee of Morality will soon forward to Mr Stanfield our heartfelt congratulation for the victory he has won, or rather that moral law has won through him. That is worthwhile night and days of toil!


Yours faithfully

… Appia