Appia to Frederick Chesson, 4 April 1883

Appia to Frederick Chesson, 4 April 1883

Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C124 – 89

Author(s): Appia

Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson

Sent from: 

Date: 4 April 1883

8/4 83


Dear Sir,


A friend of ours, Mr William Rey, being just now at London I venture to give him these few lines, as he has taken interest in the questions of slavery, … and popular instruction; his Lady helped me to translate and get in good … the letter we have sent in your name to President … I should like to have through him your views about the Basuto question. Our friends seem to have now better and brighter expectations than a few weeks since.


If there is any special interesting meeting in London whilst Mr Rey is in London, you will surely give him the necessary information.


Coillard writes in his last letter of the 2nd part of February that he is preparing to start to the High Zambezi, but that the enmity between Jonathan and [Joel?] maintain in the whole northern country of Basutoland a state of incertainty.


In … the noble King Khama has given the most splendid proof of firmness, morality and self sacrifice for what he judges right and in accordance with his Christian principles. Excuse, Dear Sir, my broken English.


Any service you may be able to render to Mr Will. Rey will be a special favour for us.


With best regards I remain

Dear Sir

Yours very truly


… Appia R