Frederick William Pleydell Bouverie to Frederick Chesson, 5 March 1884

Frederick William Pleydell Bouverie to Frederick Chesson, 5 March 1884

Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C126 – 72

Author(s): Frederick William Pleydell Bouverie

Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson

Sent from: England

Date: 5 March 1884

230 Longridge Road

South Kensington

March 5 1884


My dear Sir,


In a letter from my son by this mail, he says if you see Mr Chesson tell him I received his letters, but that I have not given his message from Fowler to the chief Umqikela, as matters are not going on very smoothly just now. Oxland, the resident magistrate, upsetting matters again, and that the old chief has been so worried he would not take any message as a … just now, as he (chief) say I am always getting letters and messages promising this or that and the other, and I see or hear no more.


Welbourne has not yet made his appearance in this part and I don’t think he is likely to.


Yours truly

F.W.P. Bouverie