Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C126 – 109
Author(s): W. C. Brannan
Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson
Sent from: Cape Colony
Date: 5 March 1883
Cape Town Club
March 5th 1883
Dear Sir,
I saw Mr Saul Solomon last week on the subject of the enclosed letter and he thought it of sufficient importance to request you to call upon Sir H Robinson the Governor of the Cape Colony and mention what I had seen in the Transvaal as to the cruel treatment of a petty chief Ikulufune who resides on the border of Zeerust in the Murico district of the Transvaal.
Sir H Robinson said it would be of great service if the information could be brought before the people by the insertion of his letter in the ‘Times’, or ‘Daily News’/
I mentioned this to Mr Solomon and he thought it would be better to put it in the shape of a letter to you and you would get it inserted. Would you kindly send me half a dozen copies of the paper in which it may appear.
Yours truly,
W.C. Brannan
F.W. Chesson Esquire