James Edward Carlyle to Frederick Chesson, 12 December 1884

James Edward Carlyle to Frederick Chesson, 12 December 1884

Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C128 – 104

Author(s): James Edward Carlyle

Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson

Sent from: England

Date: 12 December 1885

Oxford 55 Holywell S

12 Dec 85




I am writing for the Glasgow Geog Society a paper on ‘African Colonies and Colonization.’ I wish in this to bring into prominence the relation to the Aborigines. How are colonies to be formed which may be not a curse to them? How are they to be raised up to civilization. What are the ideas of the Aborigines Defence Society on this subject. If you can give me any papers explanatory of these I shall feel indebted for while I have not always agreed with your ideas and actions as regards S Africa, I still feel that with the Anti Slavery Society the Aborigines Scy occupies an important position for the amelioration of the natives races, perhaps indeed of the two not the less but the more important.


We have in S Africa the work in different stages. There is our Basuto [government?], sadly being led but on the whole friendly to the natives and his pitso. There is the Natal native administration somewhat stagnant but on the whole not unfair. There is the Cape with its native franchise.


For my part I would scarcely [admit?] colonial government without the right of the franchise in the care of the natives. It will be better till this is reached the rule of the high commissioner.


Can you inform me as to the [factories German and French?] on the West African Coast. Can the factory system be worked without great detriment to the natives. What do you think of the native position in Algeria? In the part under … rule is it fair?


I send you a number of a journal ‘Africa’ which I have edited. It is chiefly … but I wish to look at the question more broadly. I shall feel obliged for any suggestions or any papers you can send.


Yours truly

JE Carlyle