James Edward Carlyle to Frederick Chesson, 19 May 1882
Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C128 – 102
Author(s): James Edward Carlyle
Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson
Sent from: England
Date: 19 May 1882
23 Talbot Road
[Beupwutu?] W 19 May 82
My dear Sir,
I have to thank you for sending me the Anti Slavery Reporter for May. It contains much valuable information regarding Africa which I shall hope to use. I am obliged to you for making the statement as to the … expedition at Lake Nyasa. It will relieve the minds of many interested in the enterprise. It will be a great favour … give me two additional copies. I sent the one received to my cousin Mr Stevenson who is at his own expense making the road and is naturally much interested in all that relates to it. I should like to send another copy to Mr George Smith Secy of the Free Church Foreign Missions … and to keep one for myself.
I see Col Gordon is going to S Africa. He is well suited for the work there, but he will … possibly if I am mistaken, he and the Boers will scarcely get on well. They are naturally slave holders or at least native …. I fear he shall bear long troubles in S Africa. Matters are far from being settled.
I am
Yours very truly
J E Carlyle