Eugene Casalis to Frederick Chesson, 11 February 1880

Eugene Casalis to Frederick Chesson, 11 February 1880

Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C128 – 64

Author(s): Eugene Casalis

Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson

Sent from: France

Date: 11 February 1880

Societe des Missions Evangeliques

Chez les Peuples non Chretiens

Etablie a Paris


Paris, le 11 Feby 1880


My dear Mr Chesson,


Having already seen in the little newspaper of Basutoland the proclamation ordering the disarmament, I thought the only thing that could be done was to exhort the Basutos to submit. Your letter holds out the hope that they may still have recourse to Parliament, for which I am thankful, although I doubt much that they will be benefitted by it. It is very desirable that Mr Coillard may have an interview with Sir Michael Hicks Beach. Our friend is presently at Madeira and will arrive in London by the steamer of the 20th inst. He intends staying a few days at his brother in law’s Mr Mackintosh, 3 South Park Seven Oaks, Kent. He has seen Sir Bartle Frere at the cape.


Have the kindness to send me the number of the Times containing your article. In reference to the disarming of the Basutos I have nothing more to state than what I have already written to you in prevision of an interview with the minister of the colonies. As to statistics showing the extent and effects of our missions, you will find them in the enclosed paper for which you will find easily a translator.


Our Society would never dare to challenge the policy of Sir Bartle Frere. The risk would be too great. We have been made to feel in too many instances that we are aliens in South Africa, although the government must be fully aware that we have been the first to settle in Basutoland, that during nearly fifty years we have laboured hard and spent immense sums of french money to evangelize and civilize the natives. Who knows if we shall not now be called to account for having hestiated to say that disarming the Basutos was both just and wise?


Believe me, Dear Mr Chesson

Yours affectionately

E. Casalis