Eugene Casalis to Frederick Chesson, 22 August 1880
Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C128 – 66
Author(s): Eugene Casalis
Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson
Sent from: France
Date: 22 August 1880
My dear Sir,
Electric telegrams from lands so distant as the Cape create a very awkward modus vivendi for men having the charge of monthly periodicals. They are like an echo which says in three or four words (understand if you can!) things which can only be explained some month or six weeks later by correspondence and then the explanation is no longer true as the telegraph has continued to keep up pace with events. Such is the dilemma in which I am at present with my journal des missions of September appearing on the Thursday preceding the first Sunday of the month. The Times has been very silent latterly on the state of affairs in Basutoland. It may be that you receive private telegrams. If so, have the kindness to tell me how you would, in a phrase or two, sum up the state of affairs in our missions field at the present moment.
Excuse the trouble I give you and believe me, as ever,
Yours affectionately.
E. Casalis
26 rue de Fosses St Jacques
22 Aug 1880