Eugene Casalis to Frederick Chesson, 8 March 1882
Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C128 – 70
Author(s): Eugene Casalis
Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson
Sent from: France
Date: 8 March 1882
Societe des Missions Evangeliques
Chez les Peuples non Chretiens
Etablie a Paris
Paris, le 8 March 1882
F.W. Chesson Esq
Secretary of the Aborigines Protection Society
Dear Sir,
Our committee having received that address to Mr Gladstone drawn by you at Sir Fowell Buxton’s residence, have felt it their duty to express their full adhesion to it especially to deprecate any proposal to confiscate the whole or part of Basutoland.
I send you herewith the signatures of the members who have joined in the expression of your feelings and beg you will forward them in our name to Mr Gladstone if you think it can be advantageous to the cause we all take to heart.
We have no recent information of our missionaries in Basutoland or the Cape, but as I know Mr Mabille was very desirous to have an interview with Sir Hercules Robinson, I think we may believe the statement of the Daily News of the 17th that he has seen him and has hastened his journey to be as soon as possible among the Basutos and make use of his great influence in the interest of peace. May god abundantly bless his efforts!
Believe me, dear Sir,
Yours thankfully,
E. Casalis