Frans Leon Cachet to Frederick Chesson, 4 January 1890
Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C128 – 1
Author(s): Frans Leon Cachet
Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson
Sent from: South African Republic
Date: 4 January 1890
Utrecht, S.A. Republic
Jan 4 1890
My dear Mr Chesson,
Some time ago I wrote you a few lines and enclosed a note from my late friend Mr William Marten. Though I have not yet been favoured with your answer I feel obliged to send you again a line to inform you if you have not heard it before, that poor William Martin is no more.
He stayed with me in the latter end of the June and I did what I could to dissuade him from undertaking the journey to the interior. Badly provided he was and very ill in health, but he said he felt moved to go. My last words to him were a warning that he would be starved, and alas my words have been too true. After having been taken prisoner by the natives whom he ever tried to befriend, he was ill treated and then released to find his way home, alone.
Some time afterwards he was found by some Portuguese, dead, starved, his last words written in his pocket book were: ‘I commend my soul to god – William Marten.’ I received two notes from him written on the road. One dated 5 July 1864 and one 10 July. He mentions to me that he has written again to you not to reveal names and he has constantly urged me to communicate with you on the subject of Transvaal slavery.
I am waiting your answer to my last letter, viz: whether you wish to have information on the subject of [course?] without revealing my name without my consent.
Things go really bad enough here.
I’ll be much obliged to you if you’ll kindly send me your little book on the Transvaal. I send you this enclosed a letter to my beloved friend and former professor Dr [Schwash?].
Very truly yours
F. Leon Cachet
Rev F. Leon Cachet
Utrecht Newcastle