George Fowle and W.N. Passmore to Frederick Chesson, September 1886
Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C134 – 52-53
Author(s): George Fowle and W.N. Passmore
Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson
Sent from: Cape Colony
Date: September 1886
Griqualand East
Cape Colony
September 1886
F.W. Chesson, Esq
Broadway Chambers
By same post we beg to hand you registered packet of the ‘Kokstad Advertiser’ containing a report of our interview at the Great Place, Pondoland, with a deputation from the Kokstad Political Association, of which we, the undersigned were the members.
At this meeting certain information was afforded by the Pondos dealing with their grievances against the Cape Government which latter, they believe, are trying to provoke them to hostilities with a view to obtaining an excuse for annexing Pondoland.
Believing that there is a good deal of truth and reason in the case as stated by the Pondos, and that they are not being fairly treated by the Cape Government, we venture to bring the matter before the notice of your Society, feeling assured that it is one which it will consider its duty to enquire into. We shall be glad if you will be good enough to distribute the newspapers to those you think most likely to be interested, and shall be glad to learn from you what view is taken by the Society, and what it is prepared to do in the matter.
You will see from perusing the report referred to that our object in visiting Pondoland was to endeavour to obtain the consent of the Pondos to be incorporated into a Crown Colony, which the people of the Transkei resolved to petition the Imperial Government to establish in this region.
We are, Sir,
Yours obediently,
George Henry Fowle
W.N. Passmore