John Harper to Frederick Chesson, 26 March 1884

John Harper to Frederick Chesson, 26 March 1884

Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C137 – 178

Author(s): John Harper

Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson

Sent from: Cape Colony

Date: 26 March 1884

King Williams Town

South Africa

March 26th 1884


The Secretary

The Aborigines Protection Society




The … Committee of the United Missionary Conference which represents all the Protestant missionary societies carrying on mission work in the South East portion of the Cape Colony have sent a copy of the enclosed papers to the Secretary for the Colonies requesting that as Basutoland has again come under the control of the Imperial government, the government will be pleased to make the sale of intoxicating drink to the Basutos prohibitory. I have written to the Secretaries of the different missionary societies having missions in South Africa requesting their kind offices in this matter with the Colonial Secretary. The … Committee will be glad if your Society would join in aiding the Conference in securing protection from this destructive traffic for Basutoland and all native tribes in South Africa over whom the Imperial government have direct control.


Believe me

Sincerely yours

John Harper

Secty to Conference