Robert Herbert to John Mullins Jr, 8 December 1879

Robert Herbert to John Mullins Jr, 8 December 1879

Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C143 – 131

Author(s): Robert Herbert

Recipient(s): John Mullins Jr.

Sent from: England

Date: 8 December 1879

[Enclosed in Mullins Jr to Chesson, probably of 22 February 1880]

Downing Street

8 December 1879




With reference to your letter of the 7th of August, I am directed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to acquaint you that he has received reports from the Lieutenant Governor and the Attorney General of Natal in regard to your prosecution and conviction for offences against the Natal Law No 11 of 1862. Sir Henry Bulwer reports that he is not aware that there was any feeling against you in the Colony, except what was due to the belief that you were in the habit of running guns into the Zulu Country. Sir Michael Hicks Beach is further advised that if you desire to prefer a formal charge against any person the Natal Courts are open to you, and that you have only to support the charge by adequate and trustworthy testimony and the person or persons whom you accuse will be prosecuted. No order from the Governor is necessary to insure your redress for any real wrong you may have sustained.


I am


Your obedient servant

Robert Geo. Herbert