Bryan Thomas Knights to Frederick Chesson, 29 August 1885

Bryan Thomas Knights to Frederick Chesson, 29 August 1885

Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C139 – 269

Author(s): Bryan Thomas Knights

Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson

Sent from: Cape Colony

Date: 29 August 1885

Knights and Hearle

Attorneys, Notaries, and Conveyancers


Standard Bank Chambers

Kimberley, 29th August 1885

South Africa




F.W. Chesson, Esq,

3 Broadway Chambers



Dear Sir,


By this post I take the liberty of forwarding you new Gold Law of the South African Republic, and would particularly direct attention to Sections 69, 76, 78, 79, 83, and 89 this is what these people call Republican ‘freedom’ comment is I take it unnecessary, but surely it is only one more reason why Bechuanaland should not belong either to the Transvaal or to the Cape, which is virtually ruled by the Transvaal.


I would also draw attention to the increasing severity of Cape Colonial Laws against natives, Parliament always has some fresh burden to lay on these unhappy people, and lately it was attempted to pass a Bill making sentence of lashes compulsory on Judges for offences of battery and stealing. Surely it is time Her Majesty was asked to refuse assent to some of these Bills.


Thanks for your note I shall have much pleasure in making Capt Harrill’s acquaintance. Of course you will kindly not mention names.


Yours faithfully,

B.T. Knights