Bryan Thomas Knights to Frederick Chesson, 9 January 1885

Bryan Thomas Knights to Frederick Chesson, 9 January 1885

Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C139 – 271

Author(s): Bryan Thomas Knights

Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson

Sent from: Cape Colony

Date: 9 January 1885


9th January 1885




F.W. Chesson Esq

6 Broadway Chambers

Westminster S.W.


Dear Sir,


Enclosed I send a cutting from today’s ‘Independent’ showing the latest act of aggression of Boers into Native territory by the founding of a new Republic called Upingtonia. No doubt the usual course has been pursued. Would it not be possible to persuade the new parliament to protect all these native tribes, a mere proclamation would be sufficient. Of course the usual events will occur. The natives will decline to pay taxes, 50 times the amount will be levied in cattle, some resistance will be offered, and then the whole tribe will be slaughtered possibly or broken up and apprenticed ([like?] [Mamusa’s?] late massacre).


The native does cultivate and do something for the land. The Boer ‘turns it into a desert and calls it a farm’, being to lazy to cultivate. Surely some means should be found to protect the tribes … from this continual aggression and preserve to England those who from a mere mercenary point of view would be the best customers.


I understand that the Govt intends next session of Cape Parliament to introduce a bill increasing the Franchise, of course to prevent the … persons who have [gratified?] themselves from exersizing their rights as citizens. I trust the Home Govt will not be weak enough to allow that, it if does it must stultify every … of the Liberal creed. Of course that is a move of the ‘Afrikander Bond’ to please the Transvaal.


With best wishes appropriate to the season,


Believe me

My dear Sir,

Yours faithfully

B.T. Knights