Robert Lester to Frederick Chesson, 10 May 1881

Robert Lester to Frederick Chesson, 10 May 1881

Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C140 – 88

Author(s): Robert Lester

Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson

Sent from: Cape Colony

Date: 10 May 1881

Cradock, Cape Colony

May 10th 1881






I have the honor of enclosing you a true statement cut from a respectable Colonial newspaper of the sort of way the Transvaal was governed by the Boers just before the annexation from this your Society will see the sort of treatment, that will certainly again take place if the Transvaal is as proposed returned to their rule. These men are really and truly fiends in human shape and capable of any thing. I have represented this to Mr Gladstone already, and received his reply, but fear unless you can bring the influence of your Society to bear little good will come of my representations.


I have the honor to be


Your obedient servant

R. Lester

Senior member of the Natal Bar at present resident as above.