Robert Lester to Frederick Chesson, 8 August 1881

Robert Lester to Frederick Chesson, 8 August 1881

Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C140 – 89

Author(s): Robert Lester

Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson

Sent from: Cape Colony

Date: 8 August 1881

Cradock, Cape Colony

August 8th 1881


F.W. Chesson Esq

Ab. Prot. Society

17 King Wims St Charing Cross

London, W.C.


Dear Sir,


Yours of the 9th June written in answer to mine of 10th May last duly received. I notice that you write further correspondence and therefore now enclose for your information pressed copy of a letter addressed by me to Sir Stafford [Northoch?]. Since writing the original letter I am glad to be able to state that it now appears there was not one Englishman on the jury who returned the verdict of not guilty in the poor Capt Elliot’s murder. And further as I predicted the brutal murderers in the other case, wherein a poor inoffensive old Scotchman was actually kicked to death by these brutes, have also been found not guilty of course by a Boer jury. In each case the papers say these verdicts were returned in direct contradiction to the clearest evidence of guilt. And now what is to become of the poor loyal … and abandoned natives and others. As to the resident, he will be a mere pupet. The most fearful wrongs will be purpetrated and slavery with all its horrors will again flourish, unless the natives rise and resist the Boers, which I think likely. For what with juries always ready to pronounce wilfully false verdicts and Boer persecutors and witnesses always ready to ‘swear anything’, then Gladstone and Bright will have succeeded in making the Transvaal a perfect pandemonium.


I remain dear Sir,

Yours truly

Robert Lester

Barrister at law