John Mullins Jr to Frederick Chesson, 17 November 1879

John Mullins Jr to Frederick Chesson, 17 November 1879

Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C143 – 127

Author(s): John Mullins Jr.

Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson

Sent from: England

Date: 17 November 1879

42 Market Place




Dear Sir,


Yours of the 13th I have received many thanks for the information you have me. I will go by the Conway Castle on the 25th and will prove that three out of the four witnesses were not with me at the time of the Coronation of Cetchwayo if I am allowed to do so, when I will again return to England, and prove to myself if there is such a thing as justice in England.


Yours sincerely

John Mullins


To Mr F.W. Chesson




You can make any use you like of mine about Cetchwayo. I have sent a form of statements to WN James together with copy of answer to same from Colonial Office.


I sent him one of my statements soon after I took it to Colonial Office but do not know if he received it.