John Mullins Jr to Frederick Chesson, 22 February 1880
Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C143 – 130
Author(s): John Mullins Jr.
Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson
Sent from: Natal
Date: 22 February 1880
Little Umhlanga
Natal 22/2/80
F.W. Chesson Esq
I send you a copy of answer to my statement from Downing Street you will see by it that the very men who are to blame in my case are the ones who were selected to send their reports Home Can it be expected that they would act fairly.
What a mockery and a farce is English justice as meted out to me. I went to Pietermaritzberg to see Sir Garnet but he would not see me pleaded being to busy so I had my journey of 140 miles for nothing. I now intend to prosecute the native witnesses to perjury which I will be able to prove. Will send you copies of depositions as soon as sworn to before a justice of the peace.
What is to be done with the poor unfortunate illused Zulu King Can the farce last much longer? His cattle were sold to John Dunn in Zululand at Dunn’s own price they were not put up for public competition I heard a gentleman yesterday a Colonist say that he would gladly have given twice what Dunn did for them there was supposed to be some thousands of cattle.
This is a sample of how things are done here. Hoping this will find you and yours in good health.
Yours etc. etc.
John Mullins Jr