Joseph Orpen to Frederick Chesson, 22 June 1880

Joseph Orpen to Frederick Chesson, 22 June 1880

Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C144 – 59

Author(s): Joseph Orpen

Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson

Sent from: Cape Colony

Date: 22 June 1880

Capetown 22 June 80


Dear Mr Chesson,


Besides the pamphlet on Basutoland, its land and Representation, I send you twenty copies of pamphlet published last year on Home Representation. The two together demonstrate the proper cure for wrong doing in Native Affairs, and I shall feel greatly obliged if you will place them in the hands of those who are likely to bring these views on a whole before Parliament and the public. If carried out they would accomplish to a great extent the object of your society and greatly lighten its burden. Establish the British prevention police in effect instead of the sad office of the detective with its less direction action on crime.


Both go today by Revd [A?] Mabille for Pretoria.


Yours faithfully

JM Orpen