John Robinson to Frederick Chesson, 13 May 1876
Archive location: Bodleian Libraries, MSS. Brit. Emp. s. 18 / C145 – 252
Author(s): John Robinson
Recipient(s): Frederick Chesson
Sent from: Natal
Date: 13 May 1876
Durban, Natal
May 13th 1876
My dear Mr Chesson,
As I hope to leave Natal England about the 17th June, I write a line to ask the favour of your reserving any communication you may possibly have to make regarding my self until after my arrival, when I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you.
If we cannot agree upon certain matters we can at any rate keep them in the background. There are other … questions in which we can I hope feel a mutual and sympathetic interest.
You will be glad to learn that … railways are being part advanced by Mr [Brumming?]. I only wish they … a perfect and not a partial scheme.
You will also hear with pleasure that the increased hut tax has ben paid without a murmur, and … the natives of the blessings and benefits of British rule as administered in Natal.
Owing to the influence of our govt with Cetywayo, war has been averted between the Zulus and the Transvaal. I hope permanently. There has been much provocation on both sides, but neither desire war. Mr Burgers will I hope succeed in putting matters upon a better footing, should his political opponents not impede or … him.
Three of the South African legislatures are now in session, and our council meets on the 26th for the special business of appointing delegates to the imperial conference.
I wish you could have seen with me the 122 liberated … landed here out of … the other day. Their joy at finding tender treatment and kindly … after the cruel experiences of their brief spell of slavery was more eloquent than any speech …
Believe me to be
Very faithfully yours
John Robinson