Charles Hadfield to Frederick Chesson, 21 January 1861, C137/93

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Hadfield, Charles









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Bodleian Libraries

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MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 18 / C137-93


13 Wood St
21 Jan/61

Dear Sir,

Since I addressed you a few days ago I have received a ‘N.Z. Spectator’ from my brother – 3 Nov – which probably you may have seen.

A tolerably full defence of my brother’s conduct appears in a leading article. There are also letters of the Bishop, [arch Sir?] Hadfield, and S. Williams, in vindication of the Native cause, which I think, could they with other articles and letters bearing upon the subject be brought together in a small pamphlet, would interest the public and forward the cause of justice.

A copy might then be sent to each Member of Parliament. It might further be advertised as a small price to meet the cost of publication. I would undertake to pay for 50 copies. There appears to have been several letters printed from time to time in the N.Z. papers many of which I have not seen, but which probably you have. Whether the C.M. Society contemplate publishing them or no I am not aware. I have no doubt they are in a position to do so, and perhaps it more particularly devolves on them to act. You, however, will be able to judge in that matter.

It seems very evident to me that the principal daily papers are disposed to trample on the Bishop and Clergy or any who support the Native cause; and that in this no stone will be left unturned by the Professor – the Govr’s brother – and a vast number of covetous colonists. And ‘John Bull’ once adopting it, an eternal disgrace will rest upon England.

The N.Z. papers are seen but by a very small portion of the community, and anything favourable to the natives is studiously excluded from the daily journals in this country.

I am, dear Sir, yours truly,
Charles Hadfield