Charles Hadfield to Frederick Chesson, 24 February 1861, C137/97

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Hadfield, Charles









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Bodleian Libraries

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MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 18 / C137-97


53 Wood St
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My dear Sir,

With reference to the paragraph in your last letter, ‘I see from the Auckland papers that the Duke of Newcastle has written a despatch to the governor approving of his policy,’ I am disposed to think that it is merely another ‘ruse’ ‘to gain a march’ on the party in favor of Wm King’s rights!

I am led to this idea from the evident want of time for the Duke’s approval if written after his return to this country from America to have reached Auckland.

And, again, archdeacon Hadfield’s writing to the C.M.S. in Nov says:

‘I am happy to say that it has been a great comfort to me and others that the Home Govt has not approve of Govr Browne’s proceedings in reference to the Taranaki War. The ablest men also in the House of Representatives have condemned the Govr’s conduct in the matter.’

I received a few lines from Sir John in acknowledgement of my communication. He seemed glad to have ‘authentic information’ and ‘deeply regretted the differences that had arisen.’ He of course gave no intimation of the course he meant to adopt.

I thank you for the pamphlets sent which are most of them already distributed. I have no doubt some good will result.

I find Sir Wm Martin’s pamphlet referred to by my brother has been published or is in course of publication by Dalton. I must try to obtain it as my brother observed it was ‘sure to be good.’

With kind regards
I remain
Yours faithfully
Charles Hadfield