Charles Hadfield to Frederick Chesson, 27 June 1878, C137/107

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Hadfield, Charles









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Bodleian Libraries

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MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 18 / C137-107


27th June 78

Dear Mr Chesson,

You will I dare say remember that not long ago I sought information from you respecting the Transvaal having an idea that my youngest son would perhaps like to adventure there, but he ha since gone to Australia. Since I last wrote to you I have come across the prospectus of an association – the Transvaal farming, trading, and mining asso – in which I have … one share with a view of nominating my second son to cooperate with …, and who I hope will accompany the manager of the farms now held at Rustenburg, who is going out next month.

Your printed letter addressed some years ago to Mr Fowler MP has therefore afforded me new satisfaction, and by request I have sent it to Mr Herbert the Secty of the Association, telling him that I felt sure you would give him any information you could, his wish being to raise the caffres not to depress. I see the Bp of Pretoria is patron of the Association. My object in obtaining a share is solely to provide if possible for my son (21) who having imprudently married while in a … having only £60 per annum consequently lost his situation. He will I trust now find a large field for something better, maybe, if Mr Hawkins or yourself, My son should call on you, you should find yourself able to any information or advice I shall be glad. The last mail from NZ brought news of my brother, he had just returned to Wellington after a few weeks visit 100 add miles away. Recd favor by by natives etc.

Yours sincerely
Charles Hadfield Col