Charles Tupper to Frederick Chesson, 1 December 1886, C149/93

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Tupper, Charles


government official







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Bodleian Libraries

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MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 18 / C149-93


Office of the High Commissioner for Canada
9, Victoria Chambers, London, S.W

1st December 1886

Dear Mr Chesson,

I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 27 ultimo, covering a copy of a communication from Capt Arthur E McCallum respecting the Indian Land question at Metlahkatlah and other places in British Columbia.

Simultaneously I received a letter from the President of the Privy Council of Canada with an Order in Council approved by His Excellency the Governor General on the 10th ultimo on the same subject, a copy of which I enclose for the information of your Committee.

I have no information upon the subject beyond that which is conveyed in the Order in Council and which appears to be of a nature to satisfy those who are interested in the Indian question that the Indians will be treated with fairness and in good faith, and that they will enjoy the protection and consideration of the Canadian government. I have however transmitted a copy of your further letter and its enclosure to the Canadian government.

I am,
Dear Mr Chesson,
Yours faithfully
Charles Tupper