Elizabeth Whitfield to Frederick Chesson, 14 November 1884, C149/205

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Whitfield, Elizabeth









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Bodleian Libraries

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MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 18 / C149-205


9 Queens Gate Gardens
South Kensington SW
Nov 14/84

Dear Mr Chesson,

Mr Anderson tells me he has written direct to you to say he has not sufficient data to go by for the necessary letter. This is a great dismay to me for if he has not I do not know who has. I thought that he had much more than any of us. I heard from Africa this mail and send you a copy of Moshete’s letter to Samuel Moroka in 83, it was underlined in England (if a … as you will see) for my benefit but I was requested to send back the original by the … mail, which I did. Miss Foxwell says events in Africa have been good for our case, and out there they think it … how that Brand will hang poor Samuel. She also says the Baralong never make an heir apparent ‘regent’, the chief gives him a village to manage as Moroka did to Samuel. She suggests telling Col Warren about Samuel’s case if he has not already left England. Mr Bourdillon wrote a very long letter to Mr Watson just in the same strain as the one to you only a little more quietly expressed. I cannot help believing the Brandites now feel that the trial will disclose that there was no real doubt as to Samuel’s being the lawful heir to the chieftainship, so now they are spreading about it was awarded to the one most fit to rule, and making out Samuel all that’s bad and incompetent. I know he is not a clever man, but I can’t believe hi what Mr Bourdillon represents.

Yours sincerely
E Whitfield

I am here for some weeks I think.