Elizabeth Whitfield to Frederick Chesson, 25 August 1884, C149/198

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Whitfield, Elizabeth









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Bodleian Libraries

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MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 18 / C149-198


97 Fellows Road
South Hampstead
Aug 25/84

Dear Mr Chesson,

My best thanks for your last kind letter. I have just received a long budget from Miss Foxwell but it is chiefly about her own affairs, so I only send you the bits that at all relate to Samuel. I think his lawyer will do what he can, but it struck me, would be of service if you wrote to Mr de Villiers, or would he give you an idea how English people could help in the matter? His address is JJ de Villiers Esq, attorney, Bloemfontein, S Africa.

Miss Foxwell says that C.H. Hullon Esq the landdrost ‘is at least an honourable man’ and she thinks would get a letter for me to Samuel. I shall try this because I think it may be well to let someone in authority see that although we wish to see justice done to Samuel, English people have not advocated rebellion.

I feel so fearful lest in waiting to see what is going to be done, everything will be over before there is time to try anything. I should be most willing to help with expense of telegraphing which Mr de Villiers might not like to do unless he knew it would be refunded with my brother in Japan we send him a code word which means just what we have have fixed for it. But I suppose this would be difficult to arrange with a stranger. Forgive the liberty I take in daring to make any suggestion to you.

And believe me
Every yours gratefully
Elizabeth Whitfield

I enclose bits out of 2 Africa papers, thinking you may learn there state of feeling on the matter better from them. Miss F says one is very hostile (I have not had time yet to really read them properly) and by no means all the fact.