Elizabeth Whitfield to Frederick Chesson, 31 October 1884, C149/202

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Whitfield, Elizabeth









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Bodleian Libraries

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MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 18 / C149-202


97 Fellows Road
South Hampstead
Oct 31st 1884

Dear Mr Chesson,

I enclose you a letter from Mr Anderson which I received last evening. Most likely you know that Mr Anderson is a civil engineer, and has spent 16 years in South Africa among the different tribes while preparing his geographical papers. He is a good authority for South African questions and can be relied upon. I should be very grateful for your ideas upon the questions he asks. I was on the point of writing to ask you about Samuel’s affairs when his letter came. Have you heard from Mr de Villiers of Bloemfontein or … Sir Wilfred Lawson? I get an African paper each week and that tells me Samuel is now committed for circuit trial. Preliminary examinations of … have been going on twice a week for some time. The paper also speaks of 140 farms … being put up for sale to pay government expenses. A few out there have the courage to say the whole proceeding is unjust, but not a sufficient number to move Brand. He has had some letters from neighbouring parts expressing their disapproval of his doings and these he did not like. He is too politic a man to like to go against strong disapproval. The landdrost of Bloemfontein has been very kind in allowing Samuel to receive letters sent him from England and he is well treated in prison. Some of the witnesses against Samuel said they had heard Brand had received £1400 in money and farms for his sons as a reward for appointing Sepinare as chief!

I remain
Yours sincerely
Elizabeth Whitfield