Elizabeth Whitfield to Frederick Chesson, 7 January 1885, C149/207

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Whitfield, Elizabeth









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Bodleian Libraries

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MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 18 / C149-207


9 Queen’s Gate Gardens
South Kensington SW
Jan 7th 1885

Dear Mr Chesson,

You have had quite a nice little peace from my letters, and now I am going to trouble you again. Tonight I enclose 2 bits out of the African paper ‘Friend of the Free State’ for you to see and let me know whether you think it would be well to get the one piece about the case printed off to send among Samuel’s friends. I will also send you directly it comes from Mr Watson the statements about Mr Bourdillon’s letters, which I am thankful to state are utterly untrue. Mr B is a surveyor employed by Sepinare, supposed to have been introduced by Canon Crisp and whose lands and cattle have not failed to increase during his sojourn there. He is now being employed to break up the Thaba nchu territory into farms for the Boer government. Mr Mitchell is anxious Samuel’s English friends should move on his behalf and Mr de Villiers says he is writing to supply … reports, but you should get the letter on Friday. A lawyer at Kimberley is helping prepare a report to place before Sir C Warren, and the Basuto chiefs seem moving in the matter, and Samuel is to attend a Council of Chiefs. I dare say you remember you have still 2 letters of mine in your possession, one from Mr Gabriel David and part of one from Miss Foxwell, I am anxious to keep all letters connected with this case. I hear Archdeacon Crognan of Bloemfontein went out to meet Samuel on his release.

Believe me
Yours sincerely
E Whitfield