Frederick Hamilton Spencer to Frederick Chesson, 23 August 1884, C147/222

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Spencer, Frederick Hamilton









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Bodleian Libraries

Call number

MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 18 / C147-222


34 Wilkinson St

My dear Sir,

I thankfully acknowledge the … you have so kindly sent.

Re list of names, do you refer to the names I was giving Mr Marlewick on the trip. If so, he was only asking for the names he did not know and I think he ought to have known yours but if through any fault of mine your name was omitted from any list, please accept my most humble apology and regard it as an unintentional and most regrettable omission.

Also thanks for defraying cost of cab to station. I think the fare would be 3 lb.

Thanking you for all your kindness and hoping you are enjoying a well earned holiday.

I remain yours very faithfully
Fred H Spencer

Te Wheoro is enjoying the quiet and repose of his present quarters, his address is 10 Wilkinson St close to me.

I was asked by the Col Office to write and contradict statements to Standard by Wednesday but I replied that though somewhat unwarranted these was too much cause for all there said to venture on any denial, and also … that the stingy measures of the government would be blazed far and wide in New Zealand. Where the maories have time and again spent hundreds in entertaining European guests and that though thankful for private hospitality yet they go away with the lowest possible idea of government hospitality.