Frederick Hamilton Spencer to Frederick Chesson, 26 July 1884, C147/217

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Spencer, Frederick Hamilton









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Bodleian Libraries

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MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 18 / C147-217


26 St Stephens Sq

Dear Sir,

I am in receipt of a letter from Miss Weale, and inter alia she asks whether the Maori Bible Mrs Austen requested to be given to the Maories had been. She wants them to be specially bound if you have not done so. Shall I see to it, as I hope to take the chiefs down there on Tuesday morning. D.V.

Do you think it will be of any advantage for the king and party to remain any longer in England, or had they better not try and get away by the steamer leaving on the 6th or Plymouth on the 8th.

I shall be out all day on Monday with them at Windsor, but should like to see you if possible on Tuesday at about 1pm or perhaps 2, as there are thinks to be talked over.

For the present
I remain
Yours very faithfully
Fred H Spencer

A visit to the Prince and Princess of Wales is very probably but to me Queen.

Monday morning

In receipt of letters from you and Mr Gorst I should think that their going to the north entirely depended on whether their expenses would be found for them, perhaps you could tell me this by letter tonight. If so I will at once broach the subject. I must see you tomorrow at 1mp or perhaps 2, and Mr Gorst at 5:30 about their business. I enclose receipt. Kingly give Miss Weale my warmest thanks.