J.J.R. to Tawhiao, 26 April 1884, G99 Vol. 1 – 16

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MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 22 / G99 Vol 1 – 16


[translation, Maori original also included]

April 26th 1884

To Tawhiao

Salutation to you and your business and your relations. Salutation to you all which I hope that you have arrived safe to the new country which we have a great feeling for you that end that part.

When we got home after we came back two days after wahanui came to see is grant children when the crying was over Honaua got up te Pau Whitiora they welcome him here come friend to see your grand children and to see the tribes come to the house and come to your place this is what Wahanui said welcome me which I have come to be together I know I am coming openly to see you which I now come to this place he said few more word and a song.

When we got home Wahanui had arrived in Alexandra after we had gone down the reason he came was to stop the road towards Okoka to Kawhia the soldiers as got up as far as Hikurangi on the 8th of this month about 50 or more came to make the road and to stop stpirits from been taken into native settlements Wakanui spoke of this in is speech there is only one person that I am against that is Mr Bryce these are is words to his grand children when he came I went to maungatautasi on 17th of this month to know the result of the meeting of the ngatihawa there going to stope the court for maungatautari on the 22nd of April the court was open at Kihikihi I let mauga speak first they was the men that ask for the case to be tried these are the words of Mauga the persons that application for Maungatautari to be tried before the court they must withdraw the application when I hear what they have to say I will then speak to whats written in this paper that I hold Puraugataua got up to speak my word to the court show me the gazette of Maungatautari so as I can find out hou applied first for the land to be tried in court. If it was me first ask for the land to be tried I will speak of what I think and know if it was Mauga ask first for this case he will have to speak first and me after the court then told them it was Rewi Maniapoto Hitiri and other that applied first for this case Mauga said let them that ask speak. Mine is already in my paper which I hold the judge then told them if there is a lot of these people wish to withdraw there application if there are only one that wish for hearing it will be granted by the court to be tried because they have received letters in court saying to there application to be tried I said to the court to spot it and leave it alone till you come back them they can try the land by the court. So as you can speak of what you know the court then answered the native tribe as to speak about what they knows when they spoke about the part on Pauga side they all agreed to stoping the road making then the court said the next Monday 28th of this month the court will be open they will then try Maugatautari. When the court open again I will be able to hear more about it the end.

The people that have died since you been away Nuimoa Paewaka Ho Haua give in all the end.

Another loss amongst us Te Ako and her son was burnt to the ground everything was burnt. The people was all way to a meeting with Wahanui the boy was in the house asleep when the house caught first he woke and manage to get outside all right but the house and all the things that was in it was all burnt by the fire nothing saved that all.

Salutation to you all
Na Tutua