Sidney Taiwhanga to Frederick Chesson, 26 November 1883, G99 Vol 1 – 6

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Taiwhanga, Sidney


Indigenous person






New Zealand

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Bodleian Libraries

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MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 22 / G99 Vol 1 – 6


Kaikohe Bay of Islands
26 November 1883

Dear Sir,

I have no letter from you yet since I wrote to you last. My reason of writing to you now is, on account a paragraph in the Auckland Evening Star of the 21st of this month, against Mr McBeth about a letter which the Maoris members last session send to Lord Derby, through your Society about Tawhiao coming to England and I hope this accusation against Mr McBeth is all false, and I have wrote to him about it and I have the honor of enclosing you one of the paragraph, for your information. I feel very much oblige if you could let us know the truth of these accusations, before our great meeting to be held at both places in the same month of March 1884 at Whatiwhatihae at Tawhis place; and on the 28 of March 1884 at the Treaty of Waitangi Meeting Hall these two great meeting was to discuss and determined every things necessary for our re-mission to England, it is a great blessing for me to inform you that I have not only gain the confidence of all the chiefs and tribes in New Zealand but by the Grace of God and by His help and great mercy; he reveal to me a better way of remeding our numerous grievances, than that I have already done. That is to say, we must first sue the government to the Supreme Court of New Zealand for all these grievances, then of course we loss all our cases against the Govnt than we will have a good ground for an appeal to Higher Court in England then we might stand a little better chance of remeding some of our awful grievances, than have done before, we must first of all, publish all these grievances and send them to all the Kingdom of the whole world for their information, and if you be so good and kind to your poor Maoris people as well as your European people; as we all know you always do, that is for us to send you these publication, as soon as you write to use agreeing to our request. Secondly, we must send our petition through you to presented to the next English Parliament of the year 1884. Thirdly, is to sue the government then as soon as after the next general election, and thouse whom the whole Maoris tribes elected to be their ambassadors will then bring the appeal cases with them to England, about I think four chiefs of the highest rank so to give Sir D. Bell and others have chance of a passing any more remarks as they did to me last time. One Maori clergyman and two Europeans, about eight all together, but we do not know yet, untill after the meetings as I have already stated. Then we know exactly how every things will be arranged and I hope for your poor Maoris sakes, that you will not lose time of answering this letter a little before our meetings commences.

I received a letter from Miss Weale telling me she is very ill and I hope she is quite well by this time as all the Moris feel very sorry for her indeed, and they all send their love to you and to Miss Weale and all the good and kind friends in England. Porore and William Parne send their kind love to both of you I only just been there place to see them on the 20th instant.

My wife, family, and the whole tribes in N.Z. send their best regard and wishes to all of you.

I remain
Yours truly
S.B. Taiwhanga


You have not send me Mr Rusden’s History of N.Z. the prince here is (£2-17-6) in three volumes if I could not get it from you I will buy them myself here I could bought it as soon as come only I though you might send me one.

F.W. Chesson Esq
17 King William St
London England