William Franklin to Frederick Chesson, July 1882, C134/217

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Franklin, William









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Bodleian Libraries

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MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 18 / C134-217


Larches St


I beg to apologize for troubling you, but knowing no other means of obtaining the information I desire I trust you will kindly assist me. I have always taken a very great interest in the North American Indians and have a very great desire to correspond with one who knows English.

I am very anxious to do this because I feel assured that it would be of benefit to both parties, and I hope at the least it would give my Indian brother equal pleasure with me. What I have wrote for is to ask if it lies in your power to send me the address and introduce my request to any of the chiefs of the civilized tribes in Indian Territory, or any of the other tribes in Canada or the United State. I also wish to know if your will introduce my desire to the Chief Wahbum ah Kee now in London, and if he writes English, to ask him to kindly bestow upon me the great favor of sending me a letter. I presume your society is in charge of him, and if so, I beg you will explain to him the great regard I have for his people and how very happy I shall be if he will write to me while in England and after he returns home. Tell him I am very proud to see he was so wise as to come to England and I hope and pray that he is successful. If he doubts my regard for his race tell him I have named my only son Seneca, of the Seneca nation so that I trust he will do as I ask, and I also should be very pleased if he could send me his portrait in his native costume, as I should prize it more than anything else I have.

I again beg you to do what you can for me in this matter, for I take a deep and earnest interest in the welfare of these people, and have a great desire to be of some benefit to them in some way if possible, and it is in no idle spirit of curiosity I ask these favors, so I trust you will grant my request. IF the Chief is connected with your society kindly assure him of my sincere and brotherly love towards him and his people and my best wishes for all their welfare.

Confidently waiting your reply, and I trust the Chiefs also.

I remain your most sincerely,
W. Franklin