Natal/settler/Thomas William GarlandRead more
Thomas William Garland to Frederick Chesson, 17 September 1879, C135/5
Natal/settler/Thomas William GarlandRead more
Thomas William Garland to Frederick Chesson, 22 July 1887, C135/8
Natal/settler/Thomas William GarlandRead more
Thomas William Garland to Frederick Chesson, 29 October 1881, C135/6
Natal/settler/Thomas William GarlandRead more
Thomas William Garland to Frederick Chesson, 30 December 1881, C135/7
John William Akerman/Natal/settlerRead more
Unsent letter, John William Akerman to Henry Bulwer, 12 June 1876, C123/73 in Akerman to Chesson, 14 June 1876, C123/71
LeSotho/settler/W.V. KingRead more
W. V. King to Frederick Chesson, 7 January 1885, C139/199
Cape Colony/settler/W.C. BrannanRead more
W.C. Brannan to Frederick Chesson, 5 March 1883, C126/109
Cape Colony/settler/W.C. BrannanRead more
W.C. Brannan to Frederick Chesson, 5 March 1883, C126/110
England/metropolitan/W.H. GroveRead more
W.H. Grove to Frederick Chesson, 17 September 1884, C137/28
England/metropolitan/W.H. GroveRead more
W.H. Grove to Frederick Chesson, 19 August 1884, C137/26
England/metropolitan/W.H. GroveRead more
W.H. Grove to Frederick Chesson, 23 August 1884, C137/27
Canada/Indigenous person/W.J. WaddiloveRead more
W.J. Waddilove to Froome Talfourd, 18 February 1884, C148/217
Showing 481–492 of 531 results