England/John William Akerman/settlerRead more
John William Akerman to Frederick Chesson, 7 March 1877, C123/81
England/John William Akerman/settlerRead more
John William Akerman to Frederick Chesson, 7 March 1877, C123/82
John William Akerman/settler/unknownRead more
John William Akerman to Henry Bulwer, 9 June 1876, C123/76, in Akerman to Chesson, 14 June 1876, C123/71
John William Akerman/Natal/settlerRead more
John William Akerman to James Edward Carlyle, 5 October 1876, C123/80
Griqualand West/Joseph Orpen/settlerRead more
Joseph Orpen to Frederick Chesson, 12 February 1880, C144/58
Cape Colony/Joseph Orpen/settlerRead more
Joseph Orpen to Frederick Chesson, 22 June 1880, C144/59
Cape Colony/Joseph Orpen/settlerRead more
Joseph Orpen to Frederick Chesson, 29 June 1880, C144/60
England/Julius Jameson/settlerRead more
Julius Jameson to Frederick Chesson, 11 November 1879, C139/53
England/Julius Jameson/settlerRead more
Julius Jameson to Frederick Chesson, 17 January 1880, C139/54
England/Julius Jameson/settlerRead more
Julius Jameson to Frederick Chesson, 21 January 1880, C139/55
England/Julius Jameson/settlerRead more
Julius Jameson to Frederick Chesson, 28 January 1880, C139/56-b
German South West Africa/Indigenous person/Kama HereroRead more
Kama Herero to Frederick Chesson, Aug 20 1885, C139/136
Showing 361–372 of 531 results