metropolitan/William Jesser Coope/ZululandRead more
William Jesser Coope to Hercules Robinson, 13 October 1888, C129/34b-c
metropolitan/William Jesser Coope/ZululandRead more
William Jesser Coope to High Commissioner for Zululand, 27 September 1888, C129/34-34a
England/metropolitan/William Jesser CoopeRead more
William Jesser Coope to the APS, 13 October 1888, C129/33
Cape Colony/settler/William Larson KingonRead more
William Larson Kingon to Frederick Chesson, 1 December 1885, C139/223
settler/South African Republic/William MartinRead more
William Martin to Frederick Chesson, 18 June 1869, C142/109
settler/South African Republic/William MartinRead more
William Martin to Frederick Chesson, 6 May 1869, C142/108
Indigenous person/unknown/Wiremu RewetiRead more
William Parore to Charlotte Weale, 19 September 1882, G98-46
Pondoland/settler/William Pleydell BouverieRead more
William Pleydell Bouverie to Chesson, 13 November 1883, C126/67
Canada/settler/William Sebright GreenRead more
William Sebright Green to Frederick Chesson, 10 December 1869, C137/9
Indigenous person/New Zealand/Wiremu RewetiRead more
William te Puhi to Charlotte Weale, 10 May 1883, C144/149
Indigenous person/New Zealand/Wiremu RewetiRead more
William te Puhi to Charlotte Weale, undated, C144/150
Indigenous person/New Zealand/Wiremu Patara TuhiRead more
Wiremu Patara Te Tuhi to Frederick Chesson, 22 October 1884, C144/187
Showing 517–528 of 531 results